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Chalet Kuyper Home Page

Mission Statement

Chalet Kuyper serves as an email discussion chalet in Cybershelter. It is committed to open discussion of politics in the spirit of the work of Francis and Edith Schaeffer. As they committed their lives to show forth the existence of God and demonstrate His character, the mission of Chalet Kuyper is to discuss politics with Christian civility.

As the name of this chalet implies, as well as the picture of the man above, the rich legacy given to us by Abraham Kuyper will no doubt influence discussion here as it also influenced the life of Francis Schaeffer. Therefore, on the Chalet Kuyper Resources page(s), the first article by the undersigned and the first series of links listed below that serve not only as an introduction to this chalet list but also to this great man of the Faith.

Chalet Kuyper offers an invitation to pour a glass of your favorite beverage, and step into our chalet. Come to listen or participate. All who come to this forum are encouraged to submit to the lordship of Christ in the sphere of politics according to the Scriptures. The expectation is that all participants strive to show forth Mark of the Christian.

Staff Member in Residence: Graham Weeks

Chalet Kuyper is on Yahoo! Groups. For subscription information and how to access the archives for this discussion list, please refer to the main Chalet Kuyper group page.

Looking forward to your participation :-)

In the Lamb,
Staff Member

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