Note: this whole project is best viewed using Internet Explorer rather than Firefox because for some reason some things developed using FrontPage 2000 [this project] will not format right in Firefox. But they will with Internet Explorer. Firefox will still work though if that is what you prefer to use. Firefox is my browser of choice too. That said... This Is Version 2012 In Development If you go to the 5th Maintenance Battalion web site, the virtual battalion headquarters, put together and maintained by Greg Chew, scan down the menu in yellow on your right. You will come across a link to this web site. It reads, "Allan Winger's 5th Maint. Bn website - in progress, focusing on the organization and the locations of the unit." Greg continues to do a fantastic job with that website and it is a privilege to have a link to this web site there. Please take the time to look at everything that he has put together. If you have thought of perhaps putting together a unit web site for units in which you have been a member, this is an excellent example of what you can do. The initial goal of creating Chalet Eagle in Vietnam was to put together something for my family and close friends that would tell them about that part of my life that is Vietnam. Then the idea of creating something using a media I really love, maps, further expanded that initial goal to include the creation of a 5th Maintenance Battalion Map Room that everyone could use. The first deadline to be met in that project was to have something done that could be given out at the 2010 reunion in Las Vegas. That goal was met and I was told that the CD given out at the reunion was well received. What you see here now, on the Chalet Eagle In Vietnam web site, is a 2012 update in progress. It was not possible to attend the 2011 reunion in New Orleans or to prepare an update for that reunion. It is hoped that we (my Honey and I) will be able to attend the 2012 reunion in Texas. But at a minimum an attempt is being made to provide an update of this project for that reunion. Therefore, as has been asked for before regarding this continuing project... Comments/Suggestions/Questions? :-) Allan Leigh Winger alwinger1@gmail.com June, 2011 Copyright © 2011, Chalet Eagle |