560th LEM Co (DS)


560th Light Equipment Maintenance Company
(Direct Support)
Arrived Vietnam: 11 March 1967
Departed Vietnam: 14 December 1970
Previous Station: Fort George G. Meade, Maryland
Authorized Strength 1967 1968 1969 1970
560th 180
The 560th Light Equipment Maintenance Company (Direct Support) was initially billeted at the 5th Maintenance Battalion (Direct Support) compound located in the southern part of Phu Tai Valley. In February 1968 it was relocated to Camp Radcliff at An Khe in the Central Highlands just off of Route QL19 that ran between Qui Nhon and Pleiku. This unit provided direct support functions to many of the non-divisional units in their area of operation. This included but was not limited to vehicle maintenance support for several transportation units. The unit was deactivated in December 1970.
Sources: Vietnam Order of Battle by Shelby L. Stanton and the 5th Maint Bn Web Site
Guidon Graphic: Designed like the MSC guidon pictured at the 5th Maint Bn Web Site

560th Light Maintenance Company (DS) Organizational Chart (*)

(*) Pending further research this is how this unit may have been structured.

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